What is the need of Taking Cialis?

It’s no secret that with age, the immunity of a person becomes weaker, and his body does not function as qualitatively as in his youth. This is due not only to the natural aging process but also to the long-term impact of unfavorable external factors (bad ecology, improper lifestyle, stress and others). Do not ignore the problems with potency, which mature and senior men are more concerned about than young people.

Let’s turn to the statistical data which demonstrate the dynamics of the appearance of sexual problems by age groups. Thus, according to information received, similar issues among men up to thirty years occur in 21% of cases, between the ages of thirty and forty erectile dysfunction affected 27% of men, to fifty years old – 48%, and in men over fifty; this problem develops in 53% of cases.

What are the causes of the development of erectile dysfunction in middle-aged and older people? Often they consist of organic disorders, the first places among which are diseases of the endocrine and cardiovascular nature. Men older middle age often suffer from atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes and other diseases that are accompanied by a significant deterioration in the erection until the complete inability to participate fully in the sexual act. Also, various inflammatory processes of the urogenital system, including chronic prostatitis, lead to impotence. Other factors that cause impotence age include excess weight, surgeries on the pelvic organs, treatment with medicines, and other bad habits.

In the modern world, impotence continues to be relevant. To get rid of it requires a lot of effort. There are many different medicines to fight the disease. However, not all of them have sufficient efficiency. A reliable and proven method is Cialis.

Indications for Use and Action of the Preparation

Cialis is a drug prescribed to patients who have erectile dysfunction. It can restore normal sexual relations. It is used when it is required to cure erectile dysfunction. For older men, there is no need to select a special dose of the drug. Cialis is effective for the treatment of impotence in the early and middle stages. It is used to relieve the patient of the symptoms caused by prostatitis.

Cialis 40 is effective for a long time. The drug is simple to use; it is available in tablets. The medicine helps to maximize the quality of an erection without causing addiction. The main substance in the composition of the drug is Tadalafil. It is responsible for relaxing the muscles and improving blood circulation in the genitals. After taking medicine, the sensitivity of the penis increases. Also, the quality of sexual acts improves, and the time to recover from them, a man is not required. The drug allows you to get maximum pleasure not only for the man but also for his sexual partner. The orgasm you will achieve will be unforgettable for both. The tablet will boost your mood, and you will feel great. It is enough to use the product once to spend your weekend perfectly!

The maximum daily dose of Cialis should not exceed 40 mg. After ingestion, the drug begins to act after 30 or 40 minutes. The duration of action is 36 hours. The use of the drug is compatible with the simultaneous use of alcohol or fatty foods.


Cialis is contraindicated in persons under 18 years of age as well as in women. It cannot be used by men if they have an increased sensitivity to Tadalafil.

Simultaneous intake with nitrates is not recommended. The following health problems are contraindications to taking the drug:

  • unstable angina;
  • heart failure;
  • myocardial infarction (stroke), suffered during the last six months;
  • kidney failure;
  • liver failure;
  • liver lesions of organic origin;
  • overdose.

Undesirable results can also appear in patients with an erection disorder when they repeatedly take 100 mg of the drug. Since Cialis is highly efficient and reliable, it often helps men get rid of the need to undergo a long course of professional treatment.

Cialis seldom cause side effects. According to the statistics, they happen in less than 10% of cases. This means that Cialis is safe and highly effective.


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